Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Research of Images for List on Board

*Buckminster Fuller: an American architect, worked from late 1920s to 70s.

* Ha-has: Can be found in formal gardens, grounds of grand estates.

*Parco dei Mostri: Located in Bomarzo in the province of Viterbo, in Northern Lazio, Italy. Created during the 16th century.
*Roman Forum: Originally a market place in Ancient Rome, built by  multiple emperors(from emperor Julian to Trajan), Started being built in 29 BC.
*Boboli Gardens: Located in Florence, Italy. It's construction began in 18th century.

*Jardin du Luxembourg: Located in Paris, France and built in 1612 as a commission for Marie de' Medici.

*Tivoli Garden or Villa de'Este: An Italian Renaissance garden in Tivoli, Italy, made during the 16th century.

*Bernini's Four Rivers: Designed in 1651 by Bernini and Pope Innocent X. This fountain is located in  Piazza Navona, Roma, Italy. 

* Jean Dubuffet's Jardin d'E maille: Made in 1974 and is currently in the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands.
*Stowe Garden: An 18th century garden located in  Stowe, Buckinghamshire, England.
*Stourhead Garden: An 18th century garden located in Mere, Wiltshire, England.
* Lincoln Memorial: This national monument is located in the National Mall, Washington D.C and was in construction from 1914 to 1922.
*Viscaya Museum: Named after early Spaniard " Bel Viscera". This villa belonged to James Deering, a business man, and served as his winter residence. It was in construction from 1914 to 1923.
*Fairchild Tropical Gardens: Established in 1936 by Robert H. Montgomery. He named the garden after his friend, David Fairchild ( who retired in Miami).


  1. Your image for Tivoli Gardens is not from the garden in Italy; please correct.
