Saturday, October 22, 2016

In-Depth: Thriving

As I was sketching out and brainstorming for this project, a specific memory came back to me. When I used to live at home I would always try to grow and nurture small plants and no matter how much I cared for them they would always die; my dad would then scold me and tell me "Trồng cây cột điện cho nó sướng" which roughly translates to "Why don't you just grow a telephone pole so it won't die to save your breath. This little anecdote of mine prompted me to explore with this idea for the metamorphosis project. 

I learned that this is more of a representation of transformation and is unresolved in terms of the transformation aspect of the assignment. Needs further exploration.                                                                    

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nguyen, I thought your piece was the most thought out in terms of concept. Although during critique some of the students got commented on who "illustrated transformation" but i believe your piece lent more on the actual assignment. Anyways before you told me and the class the actual reasoning behind your piece I thought your piece in terms of itself was a statement on the contradictory of how a man made object can grow out of the ground as if it were natural, if that makes any sense. Maybe to improve you could use actual wood for the electrical poles. I don't know, this is a hard one to comment on because the critique was so neutral referring to the assignment.
